Horseback riding on the beach
Many rural areas in France offer équitation, a pleasant way to leave the hustle-bustle of tourist areas and auto roads for a relaxing jaunt through the stunning French countryside. Typical offerings run the gamut: hourly rentals, passes for multiple rides, guided half- or full-day walks, and 2- to 7-day excursions.
All levels of riding ability can be accommodated at most facilities, and ponies are generally available for children as young as 3 years old. Riding lessons are also available in many cases, conducted by licensed instructors.
Not all of the facilities listed here have established their own web sites, as of press time. For those that do have one, most are in French only. Each link below will open the applicable web site in a new browser window (above this one) or tab. When you are finished exploring the site, simply close that window or tab to return to this page.
In Alsace: |
In Auvergne: |
Centre Hippique du Val d'Orcet
Zone de Loisirs, Route de Clermont (RN 9), 63670 Orcet (Puy-de-Dôme department, Auvergne); phone:
Proprietor: Olivier Dauphin ; e-mail: dauphin.olivier@wanadoo.fr
In Brittany: |
Centre Équestre des Menhirs (no web site)
Le Manio, Route de Kerlescan, 56340 Carnac (Morbihan department, Brittany); phone: ; cell:
Open year-round, the equestrian center offers group and private lessons at all levels, provides various walks and hikes (including beaches), and offers boarding. Children (4+ years of age) can also take lessons and ride the horses.
Centre Équestre de la Côte d'Emeraude (no web site)
Rue du Val Porée, 35800 Dinard (Ille-et-Vilaine department, Brittany); phone: ; fax:
In Corsica: |
Ajaccio Equitation Poney-Club d'Ajaccio
Campo Dell'Oro, Route de Bastia, 20090 Ajaccio (Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica); phone:
E-mail: ajaccioequitation@wanadoo.fr
Aventure Équestre Corse
Route de Baracci, 20110 Propriano (Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica); phone: ; cell:
Proprietor: Cathy Andreoli ; e-mail: info@corse-randonnee-equestre.com
Écuries de Jade
Route de Palombaggia, 20137 Porto Vecchio (Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica); cell: ; fax:
Ferme Équestre de l'Ostriconi Corse Escapades
Village de Lama, 20218 Lama (Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica); phone:; cell: ; fax:
Proprietors: Françoise & Pierre Jean Costa ; e-mail: p-j.costa@wanadoo.fr (or) info@corse-escapades.com (or) pierre-jean@corse-escapades.com
Ranch San Diego Loisir à Cheval en Corse
Route de Santa Manza, 20169 Bonifacio (Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica); phone: ; cell:
In Franche-Comté: |
Ferme Équestre de Fay-en-Montagne
2, route de Picarreau, 39800 Fay-en-Montagne (Jura department, Franche-Comté); phone: ; cell: (or)
Proprietors: Brigitte & Jean-Louis Perrard ; e-mail: ferme.perrard@orange.fr
Le Petit Cheval Blanc (web site inactive)
2, route du Fied, 39800 Fay-en-Montagne (Jura department, Franche-Comté); phone & fax:
Proprietors: Eric & Nathalie Lepaul ; e-mail: petitcheval.blanc@wanadoo.fr
In Ile-de-France: |
In Loire Valley: |
In Midi-Pyrénées: |
Centre Équestre Cheval Garonne
50, chemin de Ginestous, 31200 Toulouse (Haute-Garonne department, Midi-Pyrénées); phone: ; fax:
Proprietor: N. Pueyo ; e-mail: chevalgaronne@wanadoo.fr
Poney City
La Vidalié Basse, 81220 Damiatte / Saint Paul Cap de Joux (Tarn department, Midi-Pyrénées); phone & fax:
Proprietor: Gildas Lotte ; e-mail: club@poney-city.com (or) assoc@poney-city.com
In Normandy: |
Comité Régional d'Équitation de Normandie
23, rue Pasteur, 14120 Mondeville (Calvados department, Lower Normandy); phone:
Les Écuries de la Gare
Village de La Chapelle, 50310 Saint Martin d'Audouville (Manche department, Lower Normandy); phone: ; fax:
Proprietor: Pascal Gidon ; e-mail: ecuriesdelagare@free.fr
In Provence: |
Centre Équestre d'Avignon
Île de la Barthelasse 1083, chemin du Mont Blanc, 84000 Avignon (Vaucluse department, Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur); phone:
Proprietor: Marie Moya ; e-mail: moya@cheval-avignon.com
L'Étrier de Barbossi Pony Club
Domaine de Barbossi (Barbossi Exploitation Commerciale SARL)
3300, avenue de Fréjus, 06210 Mandelieu-La Napoule (Alpes-Maritimes department, Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur); phone: ; fax:
General Director: Eric Giardini ; e-mail: letrier@ddeb.fr
Sellerie Lou Mazet (excursions of the Camargue) (no web site)
Qua Saint Cyr, Route Nationale 113, 13680 Lançon-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône department, Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur); phone: ; fax:
In Rhône-Alpes: |
Centre Équestre des Bauges
"Chez Lovat", 73340 Lescheraines (Savoie department, Rhône-Alpes); phone & fax: ; cell:
Proprietors: Michel Hinniger, Aude Spellemaeker ; e-mail: contact@equibauges.com (or) zaude73@hotmail.fr
Centre Équestre de Vienne le Couzon
La Petite Rente, 38200 Vienne (Isère department, Rhône-Alpes); phone & fax:
Proprietor: Laurence Caupin-Lamy ; e-mail: http://www.lecouzon.fr/?page=contact
Domaine Équestre du Moulin
Chemin du Moulin, 26160 La Batie Rolland (Drôme department, Rhône-Alpes); phone: ; fax:
Proprietor: Frédéric Abel ; e-mail: frederic-abel@domaine-equestre-du-moulin.com
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Horseback Riding in France
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Author: Ian C. Mills © 1999- All Rights Reserved.
Bibliography: Fodor's France, published in the U.S. by Fodor's Travel Publications, Inc. and distributed by Random House, Inc., New York. France Discovery Guide, French Government Tourist Office, New York. Annuaire-Equestre.com, Laurent Tedesco, Paris.
Images: Horseback riding on the beach, photographer: unknown, from Hidden Trails Blog Site, Vancouver, BC. All Rights Reserved.