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For the sake of space and page download times, Ile-de-France theatres have been broken down by those facilities within Paris (75) only 10 alphabetical pages (starting with theatres whose names are numeric, such as "Théâtre 13") and those which are outside Paris 2 alphabetical pages. Although the ViaFrance live listings on this page comprise a selection from all Paris theatres and arrondissements, the links underneath these listings reflect the alphabetized venues accurately.
Note: While we make every effort to keep the theatre links up-to-date, French institutional webmasters are notorious for changing document names and moving or deleting files which results in dead links, "404" errors and "page not found" warnings. Until they learn that the "World Wide Web" means thousands of other webmasters may be pointing to their content, dead links to French web sites will unfortunately persist. C'est la vie!
Theatre, Dance, & Circus Events
Theatre Links - Paris (13-At) |
Théâtre 6
6, passage Charles Dallery, 75011 Paris ; Métro: Voltaire ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatresix@infonie.fr |
Théâtre 13
24, rue Daviel, 75013 Paris ; Métro: Glacière ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatreize@aol.com |
Théâtre 14 Jean-Marie Serreau
20, avenue Marc Sangnier, 75014 Paris ; Métro: Porte de Vanves ; Bus : 58, 48 and PC ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatre14@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre des Abbesses
31, rue des Abesses, 75018 Paris ; Mailing address: 2, place du Châtelet, 75180 Paris Cedex 04 ; Phone: ; E-mail: contact@theatredelaville.com |
Abricadabra Théâtre - Péniche
Artistic Director: Lise Coquerel
Facing 69, quai de Seine, 75019 Paris ; Métro: Riquet ; Phone: ; E-mail: abricadabra@free.fr |
Aktéon Théâtre
11, rue du Gal Blaise, 75011 Paris (Face au square M. Gardette) ; Métro: Saint-Ambroise ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatre@akteon.fr (Visitor note: at time of this listing, Aktéon web site was under construction.) |
Théâtre Antoine
14, boulevard de Strasbourg, 75010 Paris ; Métro: Strasbourg St-Denis, Château d'Eau ; Bus: 20-38-39-47 ; Auto: parking at Gare de l'Est ; handicapped accessible ; Phone: / / ; E-mail: theatre.antoine@wanadoo.fr |
Arènes de Lutèce - (web site N/A)
49, rue Monge, 75005 Paris ; Métro: Monge, Cardinal Lemoine ; Phone: or |
Artistic Athévains
45 bis, rue Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris ; Métro: Voltaire ; Bus: 56-62-69-76-96 ; handicapped accessible ; Phone: |
Art Studio Theatre
299 Rue de Belleville (entrance at 120 bis, rue Haxo), 75019 Paris ; Métro: Télégraphe, Porte des Lilas ; Phone: |
Théâtre de l'Atelier
Directors: Laura Pels & Juliette Meeus
1, place Charles Dullin, 75018 Paris ; Métro: line 2 - Anvers, line 12 - Abbesses ; Bus: lines 30-54 to Boulevard Rochechouart, or line 67 to Place Pigalle ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatreatelier@wanadoo.fr |
Atelier du Plateau
5, rue du Plateau, 75019 Paris ; Métro : Buttes-Chaumont et Jourdain ; Phone: ; E-mail: atelierduplateau@free.fr
(Visitor note: at time of this listing, Atelier du Plateau web site was under construction.) |
Athenée - Théâtre Louis Jouvet
Square de l'Opéra-Louis Jouvet, 7 rue Boudreau, 75009 Paris ; Métro: Opéra, Chaussée d'Antin, Havre-Caumartin, Madeleine ; Bus: 20-21-22-24-26-27-29-42-52-53-66-68-74-81-84-94-95 ; RER: station Auber, sortie rue Auber ; SNCF: gare Saint-Lazare ; Phone: ; E-mail: contact@athenee-theatre.com |
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