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Introduction to the Web Ring


The mission of our DiscoverFrance web ring is to facilitate the Internet experience for all visitors seeking information on French culture, language, history, and travel. If you feel that your web site's topics would interest our viewers, we invite you to submit a listing to the web ring! There is no cost for your listing, and you will increase traffic to your site when our thousands of visitors read the description you've provided and click through to your URL.

Submitting a site is EASY, using our simple form. Be sure to provide a description and keywords for your site's topics as requested, or your application may not be processed. We suggest a succinct but colorful description of 25-35 words (preferably in English), up to a maximum of 200 characters (including punctuation). The Ringmaster reserves the right to edit your listing (as needed) for style, grammar and content.

You will be instructed to insert a snippet of HTML code — actually a very short JavaScript — on your gateway page (or other pages, as appropriate), which will provide a graphic indicating your membership in the web ring, as well as navigation links to view any other sites in the ring (see sample). Placing this navigation bar on your page(s) is a requirement for membership in the ring, and assures that all sites are linked together for maximum shared traffic. Fellow members of the ring constitute a fraternity (or sorority), if you will, of webmasters/mistresses devoted to topics about France; the spirit of community created in this manner enhances the experience for all your visitors.

After you have inserted the HTML code into your page and notified us, our reviewers will inspect your site for relevance with respect to its francophile or francophone topic(s), adherence to our Content Guidelines, quality of design, and navigability. (Yes, intuitive sitewide navigation is a must!) Therefore, sites under construction will not be considered, nor will those which exhibit a preponderance of banner ads over actual content. Your site must also offer more than just a collection of links; informative, educational, and/or entertaining content is what we seek. Our purpose here is to deliver information of real value to our visitors!

Acceptance of your site into the Discover France web ring is at our sole discretion. We will accord first priority to personal web pages, sites sponsored by educational institutions, membership organizations (such as the Alliance Française), governmental culture & tourism pages, museums, etc. As a rule, sites hosted on free servers will only be considered if they have a track record for longevity and if their host does not plague visitors with incessant pop-up ads. (If you are truly dedicated to sharing your topic with the world, we do suggest that you consider registering your own domain.) Commercial enterprises are encouraged to pursue the channel of paid advertising on, by visiting our Advertising Department.

We look forward to welcoming you into the DiscoverFrance web ring! Please proceed to our submission form now to join.


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