Editing, translation, and portions written by Ian C. Mills © 2000- – All Rights Reserved.
Origin of the oceans' largest plateau, © Science Service, Inc., from the Science News, June 25, 1988 v133 n26 p410(1).
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, © 2001 Columbia University Press.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Kerguelen Island, South Indian Ocean.
Kerguelen Archipelago, a web site hosted by Martin Nicholson.
The Kerguelen Islands, a web site hosted by Paul Carroll.
The Antarctic Connection, Wildlife of Antarctica.
TAAF, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises.
Chronology of Greenpeace's Southern Ocean Pirate Fishing expedition 1998/99.
Dante's Purgatory (an article published in Quadrant, July 1999 p.79), by Andrew McIntyre, a Melbourne freelance writer who was invited to the TAAF as a guest of the French government.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Sound of Jura, The Story of an Auxiliary-powered Windjammer.
Les Îles Kerguelen: Un monde exotique sans indigène, Alexandra Marois (author), Alexandre Céalis (lexicon), published by Éditions L'Harmattan.
© Copyrights attributable to their respective sources – All Rights Reserved.
Voyage aux Îles de la Désolation
by Emmanuel Lepage
(click on image to buy
from Amazon.fr)
Relevant publications:
Jean-Paul Kauffmann, The Arch of Kerguelen: Voyage to the Islands of Desolation (2000).
Max Schmid (Photographer), Genesis: Landscapes by Max Schmid (2002).
Dominique Weis and F.A. Frey, Role of the Kerguelen Plume in generating the eastern Indian Ocean seafloor (Jour. Geophys. Res. 101, 13,831-13,849, 1996).
Edgar Aubert de la Rüe - 'Les Terres Australes' (Que sais-je n. 603, Paris, 1967) and 'Etude géologique et géographique de l'Archipel des Kerguelen' (Paris, 1932).
Hervé Bazin - 'Les Bienheureux de la Désolation'.
Gracie Delépine - 'Les iles australes françaises' (Ed. Ouest-France, Rennes, 1995).
Gildas Flahaut - 'Les Carnets Tempête' (Glénat).
Christophe Houdaille - 'Au vent des Kerguelen' (Transboréal, Paris, janvier 2000).
Christophe Houdaille and Patrick Fradin - 'Îles des Quarantièmes' (Transboréal, Paris, décembre 1997).
Gérard Janichon - 'Damien autour du monde, 55000 milles de défis aux océans' (Transboréal, Paris).
Raymond Rallier du Baty - 'Fifteen thousand miles in a ketch' (London) and 'Aventures aux Kerguelen' (Rennes, 1991) and 'Les oubliés de l'Île St-Paul' (Collection Long Cours, 1991) and 'Quinze mois aux Îles Kerguelen' (Annales de l'Institut océanographique, 1911) and 'Le Voyage de la Curieuse 1912-1914' (La Géographie, 1922).
J.R. Vanney - 'Histoire des mers australes' (Fayard, Paris, 1986).
'Map of Kerguelen', from The Kerguelen Islands.
'Kerguelen Plateau Map' © Ocean Drilling Program, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
'Kerguelen Geologic Map', from the Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Photos of 'Bay Larose shoreline & cliffs, King penguins, and inland views of Kerguelen', © Dominique Weis, Director of Research at FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Brussels).
'Engraving of H.M.S. Challenger, visit to Christmas Harbour, Kerguelan Island, Jan. 7, 1874', artist unknown, from NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration); original work owned by the Philadelphia Maritime Museum.
'Engraving of H.M.S. Resolution and H.M.S. Discovery anchored in Christmas Harbour on 25 December 1776', artist: John Webber, from Maritime Gallery.
'Engraving 'Christmas Harbour, Kerguelens Land, 1811' by George Cooke of London', artist: George Cooke, from Wikimedia Commons.
'Engraving of Hope Cottage, built on Courbet Peninsula by the shipwrecked John Nunn and his crew in 1825', artist unknown, from Narrative of the Wreck of the "Favorite" on the Island of Desolation.
'1997 20F air-mail stamp commemorates John Nunn's 1825 shipwreck and building of Hope Cottage', artist: Pierre Béquet, from bidStart, the Collectibles Marketplace.
'Illustration of the Arch of Kerguelen' from the book 'Voyage aux Îles de la Désolation' by Emmanuel Lepage, published by Futuropolis in March 2011.
'The present-day Arch of Kerguelen, at the entrance to Baie de l'Oiseau', photographer: Alexia Garnier (12 December 2008), from Au Coeur des Kerguelen, a blog by Alexia Garnier.
'Cabane Port-Christmas, at the head of Baie de l'Oiseau, northwestern Loranchet Peninsula', photographer unknown, from Kerguelen 47e Mission, a site hosted by Matthieu Castellazzi.
'Old cabin at Port-Couvreux (POC) on the east coast of Presqu'île Bouquet de la Grye, Kerguelen', photographer unknown, from Entre 40e rugissants et 50e hurlants - Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises: Récit d'un hivernant ornitho-écologue de la 60e mission aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Alexis Chevallier.
'Rear view of the Cabane Port-Couvreux on the east coast of Presqu'île Bouquet de la Grye' and 'Twin pre-fab cabins at Cap Cotter on the northern coast of Courbet Peninsula' and 'Cabane de Cap Noir on the top of a cliff at Anse des Baleines Noires, facing the four winds' and 'Cabane de l'Estacade on the east coast of Courbet Peninsula (Côte des Weasels)' and 'Cabane de la Gazelle: Refuge for a night, a tad small but with some organization it can keep four hikers warm', photographer: Mickaël Pacaud (17 December 2011), from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud.
'The buildings and a half-buried ship's propellor at Port Jeanne d'Arc', photographer: Clément Quétel, from Désolation sous les quarantièmes rugissants, a blog by Clément Quétel, eco-biologist during mission 60.
' Some of the many rusted relics at Port Jeanne d'Arc, the former whaling station on Kerguelen' and 'Sorting out historic from non-historic relics at Port Jeanne d'Arc will pose a challenge', photographer: Liénor (last name unknown), a.k.a. Météoker60 (climatologist, 60th mission), from Liénor aux Kerguelen.
'A sea of rusted barrels from the 1920's pollutes the landscape at Port Jeanne d'Arc, Kerguelen', photographer: Kevin O'Rourke, from Journeys - Port Jeanne d'Arc, a site by Kevin Iain O'Rourke.
'The workshop at Port Jeanne d'Arc on Kerguelen, prior to renovation (ca. 1994)', photographer: Faivre Thierry, from Panoramio and Escapade à Kerguelen (personal web site).
'Renovated buildings contrast with old railroad tracks and rusted barrels at Port Jeanne d'Arc', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown), from Panoramio.
'Port-aux-Français base station on Kerguelen Island – aerial view' and 'Interior view of the medical center (SAMUKER) at Port-aux-Français base, Kerguelen' and 'Inside one of the PAF greenhouses before they were decommissioned in 2009', photographer: Aurélie Heurtebize (2008), from IPEV "58 ème Mission d'hivernage à Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen".
'A lateral view of the Port-aux-Français base on Kerguelen; Baie de l'Aurore Australe in background', photographer unknown, from DS World's Lands.
'Facing northwest toward Port-aux-Français base; Monts du Château range in background', photographer: Thomas Biteau (28 January 2012), from Un été aux Îles Kerguelen.
'Facing northeast toward PAF base; old Fillod residences in foreground; Château d'Eau in middle background', photographer: popmouf58 (real name unknown; 2008), from Panoramio.
'Aerial view of PAF facing southeast toward Baie de l'Aurore Australe; barge L'Aventure II in water', photographer unknown, from Bilan d'activités 2011 - Plan de gestion 2011-2015, a 58-page PDF published by TAAF.
'Satellite view of central Port-aux-Français base with key buildings labeled', 25 October 2013 screenshot from Google Earth, imagery dated 29 February 2012, © DigitalGlobe, site labeling © Ian C. Mills of 'Discover France!'
Rencontres Australes by Jacques Mouriès
(click on image to buy
from Amazon.fr)
'At the rainbow's end one finds Port-aux-Français' and 'New sports center at Port-aux-Français, renovated from the old L7 dormitory for Marines', photographer: Véronique Mérour (November 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'La Curieuse, PAF's 25m-long ocean research vessel, moored off the coast of Kerguelen', photographer unknown, from IPEV (L'Institut Polaire Français Paul-Émile Victor).
'L'Aventure II transport and utility barge at the Port-aux-Français dock', photographer: Didier Collin (December 2006), from Kerguelen - Îles subantarctiques (57ème mission), a blog by Didier Collin.
'L'Aventure II during one of its re-supply operations at Kerguelen' and 'Port Operations: Refilling Kerguelen's fuel tanks from the Marion Dufresne II' ('L'avitaillement en carburant de Kerguelen'), videos produced by Jean-Michel Bou de la Meschaussée, E-MAX Productions, 97460 Saint-Paul, La Réunion. No web site found for company, although it is registered.
'Entrance to the Totoche bar at Port-aux-Français station', photographer: Sophie Lautier, © AFP (Agence France Presse), from Making-of / les coulisses de l'info, a blog by Agence France Presse.
'A tropical evening at Totoche, the bar on Île Kerguelen', photographer: Alexandre Knochel (20 June 2007 - midwinter), from Kerguelen - Îles subantarctiques, a blog by Alexandre Knochel.
'Former greenhouses converted into a social area and two boules courts at Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen', photographer: Kévin (last name unknown, August 2011), VCAT ornitho-eco 61st mission, from Kévin aux îles Kerguelen.
'Kerguelen plage – one of the greenhouses at Port-aux-Français converted into a beach!', photographer: Thomas Biteau (13 December 2011), from Un été aux Iles Kerguelen.
'Former boules (pétanque) court in an old Fillod building scheduled for demolition at Port-aux-Français', photographer Jean-Marie P. (2007, Mission 57), from jmpker57.
'No longer used to grow vegetables, the rehabbed greenhouses are now social areas', photographer unknown, from Toubibaker.
'Exterior view of the chapel Notre-Dame du Vent at Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown), from Panoramio.
'1982 TAAF 1.40-euro stamp of Notre-Dame du Vent chapel (Virgin & Child statue in foreground)', artist: Claude Haley, from Timbropresse.
'Exterior view of the hospital (SAMUKER) at Port-aux-Français base, Kerguelen', photographer: Martin Oudet, from BibàBord, the blog of Martin Oudet, doctor on the Marion Dufresne, 2012.
'Former radio-weather tower, renovated & converted into the base's library', photographer: Mário (last name unknown; 19 March 2013), from Ultima Thule! Utmost Isle!.
'The radio communications (BCR) and post office (GP) buildings at Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen', photographer: Yann Libessart (7 November 2007), from Les manchots de la République, a blog by Yann Libessart (district chief of Kerguelen in 2007-08), hosted on Libération.fr.
'TiKer, location of the restaurant, kitchen, bakery, and bar at Port-aux-Français' and 'Biomar, the building which houses science labs at Port-aux-Français', photographer: Kévin (last name unknown, August 2011), VCAT ornitho-eco 2010-11, from Kévin aux îles Kerguelen.
'The renovated TiKer, location of the kitchen, bakery, dining room, and bar at Port-aux-Français' (front view) and 'Directional sign post on Kerguelen Island' and 'Louison (named after Kerguelen's mistress), one of only three two-story buildings at PAF, housing mostly military personnel', photographer: Stéphane "BoomBoom" Bommert (14 December 2010), from Flickr.
'Road sign on Kerguelen warns of elephant seals ahead', photographer unknown, from Journeys - Life at Port-aux-Français, a site by Kevin Iain O'Rourke.
'The Christmas dinner menu at Port-aux-Français, 2011', artist & typesetter unknown (25 December 2011), scanned by Mickaël Pacaud, from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud, military telecom technician (BCR), mission 62 at Kerguelen.
'An example of flambéed scallops Saint-Jacques', photographer: Sophroch (real name unknown; 20 June 2012), from Paperblog, Le Dôme, Paris; director: Nicolas Verdier.
'€0.46 stamp commemorating André Beaugé, former worker-priest at Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen' (stamp issued on 14 October 1999), engraving by Pierre Béquet, from Philatélie des TAAF.
'The marriage of Marc Péchenart and Martine Raulin at SIDAP factory on Kerguelen, 16 December 1957', photographer unknown, from Les manchots de la République, a blog by Yann Libessart (district chief of Kerguelen in 2007-08), hosted on Libération.fr.
'La Louison, one of only three two-story buildings at PAF, houses mostly military personnel', photographer: Stéphane "BoomBoom" Bommert (14 December 2010), from Flickr.
'Alternate view of La Louison, residence for military personnel at PAF', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown, 16 December 2007), from Panoramio.
''Centrale', the building where electric generators supply all the power for Port-aux-Français', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown, 12 July 2007), from Panoramio.
'SIDAP building, site of the last seal processing factory on Kerguelen (1957-60).', photographer: Faivre Thierry (2007), from Panoramio.
'A renovated SIDAP building, site of the last seal processing factory on Kerguelen' and 'The CNRS SuperDARN antenna array; CNES satellite and rocket tracking station in background', photographer: Véronique Mérour (November 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'The CNRS SuperDARN antenna array near Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen', photographer unknown, from Le Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E), a joint project between the Université d'Orléans and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
'Dining room in the TiKer building at Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen', photographer: Thibault Béziers la Fosse, from Tranche de vie aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Thibault Béziers la Fosse.
'Dining room in the TiKer building, with tables set for a special occasion', photographer: Émilie Giret (2004), from Le repas en milieu isolé et confiné : entre réconfort et revendication identitaire (a thesis presented by Émilie Giret), published in 'Terrains & travaux 2/2005' (n°9).
'The PAF dining room nicely decorated in preparation for a MidWinter celebration' and 'PAF personnel assembled for a special MidWinter meal in the festively decorated dining room', photographer: Véronique Mérour (July 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'Base d'ArMor, a fishery established in 1983 on an isthmus between Lac d'Armor and Baie Hurley' and 'Distant view of Base d'Armor, its cabins and salmon hatchery structures', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown, 2007), from Panoramio.
'Close-up view of the salmon hatchery at Base d'Armor, abandoned after 1993', photographer: Alexandre Corbeau (June 2003), from Un Corbeau aux Kerguelen.
'The four cabins at La Base d'ArMor, on an isthmus between Lac d'Armor and Baie Hurley', photographer: Alexandre Corbeau (June 2003), from Un Corbeau aux Kerguelen.
'Vestiges of the past: an abandoned Weasel near Pointe de l'Épave', photographer: Alexandre Knochel (16 July 2007), from Kerguelen - Îles subantarctiques, a blog by Alexandre Knochel, Mission 57.
'A rusted-out Weasel on the Presqu'île du Prince de Galles', photographer: Matthieu Valleton a.k.a. SeeSchloss (27 December 2010), from Flickr.
'PAF scientists Chastain, Migot, and Matha take their lunch on a Weasel in 1953' and 'PAF personnel navigate a Weasel through one of many water hazards on Kerguelen' and 'Trailer in tow, a Bren Carrier crosses a stream near the PAF base, October 1958' and 'A convoy of Bren Carriers and assorted PAF personnel, October 1958', photographers unknown, from the archives of Pierre Couesnon, historian for TAAF.
'A preserved Bren Carrier on display in the center of the PAF base, 1994. It is now stored in the garage', photographer: JLH974 (real name unknown; ca. 1994), from Panoramio.
'Épave de l'Alberta, the wrecked remains of a Belgian ship scuttled by an Australian cruiser', photographer: Matthieu Valleton (31 October 2011), from Flickr.
'A 2008 French €0.90 stamp commemorating l'Espérance, better known as the Épave de l'Alberta (Wreck of the Alberta)', artist: Béatrice Boissegur, from Phila-échange.
'Testing volcanic gases at Mont des Fumerolles, Péninsule de Rallier du Baty, Kerguelen', photographer: Manuel Moreira, from L'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Équipe de Géochimie et Cosmochimie.
'Hikers bathe in a small pond fed by a volcanic hot spring near the Cabane du Val Travers', photographer unknown, from Voyage aux Îles Kerguelen - Carnet de bord de Titou..., a blog by Samuel Lebouc.
'Exterior view of the humble Cabane de la Baie Charrier, Courbet Peninsula, Kerguelen', photographer: Hughes Fertin (2012), from Hughes en terre australe.
'Cabane Baie Larose with a view of the volcanic Doigt de Saint-Anne across the bay', photographer: Lloulhy (real name unknown, ca. 2007), from Panoramio.
'Cabane du Fjord Henri Bossière, in the Central Plateau next to La Valdotaine's cascade', photographer unknown, from Voyages aux Îles Kerguelen, a site by Dominique Delarue.
'Installation of a meteorological station at Cap Cotter, for the glaciology program' and 'Taking inventory of provisions at Cabane de Cap Cotter, Courbet Peninsula, Kerguelen' and 'Cabins near the mouth of Cataractes River at Anse Betsy, an inlet on the north shore of Courbet Peninsula' and 'Cabane de la Gazelle, 4m² of relative comfort and protection from the cold for a night', photographer: Baptiste Ginollin (July 2012), from Ker62 - 62ème mission aux Kerguelen.
'Cabane de Cataractes: Just a year earlier, the left cabin was apparently being held together with duct tape and paper maché', photographer: Élodie Fayel (18 January 2010), from Picasa.
'Cabane Chez Jacky, near the Rivière du Sud, below Val Studer', photographer: Yann Libessart (9 September 2007), from Les manchots de la République, a blog by Yann Libessart (district chief of Kerguelen in 2007-08), hosted on Libération.fr.
'Chez Jacky cabin, solar panels, walkway, and footbridge across a tributary of the Rivière du Sud', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown, 5 December 2007), from Panoramio.
'Cabane de Chez Jacky is a comfortable chalet located about 1.5 hour's walk from PAF' (18 January 2010) and 'Cabane de Cochons at the foot of a 120 m peak, across Port des Îles from the Île du Chat' (5 March 2010), photographer: Liénor (last name unknown), a.k.a. Météoker60 – climatologist, 60th mission, from Liénor aux Kerguelen.
'Bunk beds & well-equipped kitchen in the comfy Cabane de Chez Jacky' and 'A convivial group of hikers from PAF gathers at Cabane de Chez Jacky, 13 January 2012 (mission 62)', photographer: Véronique Mérour (January 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'Distant view of the Cabane de Cochons, at the foot of a 120m (394 ft.) ridge', photographer: popmouf58 (real name unknown; 30 June 2008), from Panoramio.
'Looking down at the Cabane de Cochons from an unnamed 120m hill to its west', photographer: nicorominet (real name unknown; 11 February 2007), from Flickr.
'Julie Vingère (ecobiologist, Mission 62) occupies herself by knitting inside the cabin at Île aux Cochons' (May 2012) and 'Good company and a hearty meal in Cabane Phonolite, below la Tête d'Homme on Presqu'île Ronarc'h' (July 2012), photographer: Baptiste Ginollin, from Ker62 - 62ème mission aux Kerguelen.
'Cabane de la Gazelle, south coast of Presqu'île Bouquet de la Grye, facing Bassin de la Gazelle' (September 2011) and 'Nine ambling penguins depart from the Cabane du Guetteur - Watchman's Hut - at Cap Ratmanoff' (June 2011) and 'Interior of the Cabane de Korrigan at Baie de l'Observatoire' (November 2010), photographer: Jérôme Perronnet, from Kerguelen 2011, Blog.
'A couple of "manipeurs" watching the Royal Penguins from Watchman's Hut (La Cabane du Guetteur), Cap Ratmanoff', photographer: Marine Pouvreau (23 March 2011), from Courant d'Air.
'Sleeping quarters in the Cabane du Guetteur à Ratmanoff' and 'Kitchen and dining area in the Cabane du Guetteur à Ratmanoff' and 'A less than luxurious WC in the Cabane du Guetteur à Ratmanoff', photographer: Céline Domange a.k.a. Scrap'Anges (April 2010), from Les Îles Kerguelen.
'The colorful cabin and out-house on Île Guillou', photographer: Hélène Demeringo (6 February 2008), from Hélène Demeringo aux îles Kerguelen.
'Cabane de Gillou and out-house on Île Guillou, across the Passe Colbeck from Île Longue' and 'View from the 165m summit of Île Guillou, looking down toward the cabin and Passe Colbeck', photographer: Clément Quétel (27 February 2010), from Désolation sous les quarantièmes rugissants, a blog by Clément Quétel, eco-biologist during mission 60.
'Cabin and sheds on Île Verte, across the Passe de l'Hydrographie from Presqu'île Ronarc'h', photographer: Véronique Mérour (11 April 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'Cabin and sheds on Île Verte; view of Presqu'île Ronarc'h across the Passe de l'Hydrographie', photographer: Thibault Béziers la Fosse, from Tranche de vie aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Thibault Béziers la Fosse.
'The Cabane de Korrigan looks o.k., but its lonely outhouse seems to be tilting to the wind', photographer: Matthieu Valleton a.k.a. SeeSchloss (23 November 2010), from Flickr.
'Cabane de Korrigan's lovable new out-house is extremely well-ventilated', photographer: Véronique Mérour (18 May 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'Cabane de Laboureur on Presqu'île du Gauss, Kerguelen', photographer: Sophie Lautier, © AFP (Agence France Presse), from the article À Kerguelen, une journée en cabane on "Making-of / les coulisses de l'info", a blog by Agence France Presse.
'Pontoon dock on the fjord Bras Jules Laboureur; Cabane de Laboureur behind it' and 'The comfortable Cabane de Laboureur on Presqu'île du Gauss, Kerguelen', photographer unknown, from Facebook - Secteur de la Cabane de Laboureur, a site hosted by Patrick Haon-Dupré – DisKer during mission 62 (Oct. 2011 - Dec. 2013).
'Above Cabane de Laboureur, facing the fjord Bras Jules Laboureur, as l'Aventure II barge approaches' and 'Catching salmon by hand during a spawning run, near the Cabane de Laboureur', photographer unknown, from Entre 40e rugissants et 50e hurlants - Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises: Récit d'un hivernant ornitho-écologue de la 60e mission aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Alexis Chevallier.
'The spacious Cabane Manchot at Cap Ratmanoff', photographer: Mickaël Pacaud (17 December 2011), from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud.
'A view of the Rivière des Manchots from the kitchen in Cabane Manchot', photographer: Céline Pelzer (29 November 2009), from TAAF.
'An intimate dinner by candlelight inside the Cabane Manchot; note headlamps on two of the men', photographer: Régis Perdriat (VCAT/IPEV 2008), from Escales Australes - Le récit de mon hivernage sur l'archipel de Kerguelen, a blog by Régis Perdriat.
'L'Auberge du Gros Pétrel Rouge, one of several cabins on Île Mayès, Kerguelen' and 'L'Auberge du Gros Pétrel Rouge at the foot of a rocky butte on Île Mayès, Kerguelen', photographer: JLH974 (real name unknown; 16 November 1994), from Panoramio.
'The 'Cabane des ornithos' amidst abundant vegetation on Île Mayès, Kerguelen', photographer: Kévin (last name unknown, 9 September 2011), VCAT ornitho-eco 61st mission 2010-11, from Kévin aux îles Kerguelen.
'Cabane de Molloy (rear view), overlooking the Anse des Laminaires and a ridge on Pointe Molloy', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown), from Panoramio.
'Cabane de Molloy (le Pavillon) on right, ancillary structures and 'Maison troglodyte' on left', photographer: Mickaël Pacaud (17 December 2011), from Mon expérience aux iles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud.
'The 'Maison troglodyte' built into a ledge, plus a utility building; cabin in the right background', photographer: sebedk57 (real name unknown, 2 December 2007), from Panoramio.
'The 'Maison troglodyte' built into a rocky basalt ledge, and one of the utility buildings', photographer: Jérôme Perronnet (2011), from Kerguelen 2011, Blog.
'Cabanes de la Mortadelle, two Fillod-style buildings not far from the Ampère glacier', photographer: François Lepage (1 April 2010), from T.A.A.F. : Archipel des Kerguelen.
'Hikers from PAF pose next to the Cabanes de la Mortadelle; note Ampère Glacier in left background' (December 2011), photographer: Baptiste Ginollin, from Ker62 - 62ème mission aux Kerguelen.
'Inside one of the Cabanes de la Mortadelle, near the Ampère glacier', photographer: unknown, from Voyages aux Îles Kerguelen, a site by Dominique Delarue.
'The little Cabane Phonolite is dwarfed by the mountain la Tête d'Homme, Presqu'île Ronarc'h' and 'Pierrick, Lise and Clément enjoy each other's company and some hot tomato-mozzarella soup', photographer: Pierrick Giraudet (April 2010), from Journal d'hivernage d'un ornithologue aux îles Kerguelen (60e mission).
'Inside the rustic and homey Cabane Phonolite', photographer: Lloulhy (real name unknown, ca. 2007), from Panoramio.
'Cabane de la Pointe du Morne, on the east coast of Courbet Peninsula, Kerguelen (2010)', photographer: Céline Domange a.k.a. Scrap'Anges (April 2010), from Les Îles Kerguelen.
'The ever-so-humble out-house at Cabane de la Pointe du Morne, Kerguelen', photographer: Mickaël Pacaud (25 September 2011), from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud.
'A somewhat disheveled Cabane de la Pointe du Morne, winter of 2007, before the paint job', photographer: Alexandre Knochel (3 June 2007), from Kerguelen - Îles subantarctiques (57ème mission), a blog by Alexandre Knochel.
'A bonbon – baby seal – slyly approaches the Cabane de la Pointe du Morne', photographer: Véronique Mérour (November 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'The cabins of Pointe Suzanne on the day of the austral Summer Solstice' and 'A hearty meal prepared by the hikers at Cabane Pointe Suzanne', photographer unknown (21 December 2008), from Voyage aux Îles Kerguelen - Carnet de bord de Titou..., a blog by Samuel Lebouc.
'The humble cabins of Pointe Suzanne, at the eastern tip of Presqu'île du Prince de Galles, Kerguelen', photographer: Véronique Mérour (April 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'René-Paul, nicknamed "Moustache", prepares a tasty meal at the Cabane Pointe Suzanne', photographer: Liénor (last name unknown, 5 February 2010), a.k.a. Météoker60 (climatologist, 60th mission), from Liénor aux Kerguelen.
'Cabane du Port Bizet on Île Longue, Kerguelen', photographer: Véronique Mérour (August 2012), from Kerguelen - une année sur le seuil du bout du monde, a blog by Véronique Mérour (a.k.a. BibouKer62, the base nurse during mission 62).
'David Grangette, the former shepherd on Kerguelen, in front of Cabane Port-Bizet', photographer: Aurélie Heurtebize (2008), from La Boîte à Bizbon.
Two versions of 'Cabane Port-Douzième on the north coast of Presqu'île Ronarc'h; le Pouce in background', by photographers Lloulhy (real name unknown, ca. 2007) and Loïc Guérin (ca. 1995); from Panoramio and Les sites annexes de Ker45 (45th mission), respectively.
'Cabane Port-Raymond, at the head of a fjord (Anse de Saint-Malo) cutting into the Courbet Peninsula from the south', photographer: Mickaël Pacaud (28 July 2012), from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud.
'Cabane Port-Raymond, at the head of Anse de Saint-Malo, overlooks a 303 m (994 ft.) basalt ridge to the west', photographer: Jérôme Perronnet (July 2011), from Kerguelen 2011, Blog.
'View of Cabane Rivière du Nord with Mont du Toit and Cirque Moseley in the background' and 'View of Cabane Rivière du Nord and the Baie des Cascades from a rise to the southeast', photographer: Kévin (last name unknown, 10 August 2010), VCAT ornitho-eco 61st mission 2010-11, from Kévin aux îles Kerguelen.
'A hiker inspects his gear at the Cabane de la Baie Charrier' (April 2010) and 'The Rivière du Nord, cabin, and Monts du Château seen from the base of Plateau Méjean' (16 July 2010), photographer: Pierrick Giraudet, from Journal d'hivernage d'un ornithologue aux îles Kerguelen (60e mission).
'A hiker gazes toward Baie des Cascades from the Cabane Rivière du Nord', photographer: Thomas Gouello (April 2011), from Thomas, ornitho aux Kerguelen - Mission 61: novembre 2010 - mars 2012.
'Cabane de Sourcils-Noirs in the Black-Browed Albatross Canyon, Kerguelen', photographer: Nweider (real name unknown; 2003), from Panoramio.
'The Marion Dufresne's helicopter lands at Cabane de Sourcils-Noirs', photographer: Jean-Marie Potelle, from Helico-Fascination, a site hosted by Christophe Gothié.
'A look at the Cabane de Sourcils-Noirs from above the Black-Browed Albatross Canyon, Kerguelen', photographer: Pierrick Giraudet (7 April 2010), from Journal d'hivernage d'un ornithologue aux îles Kerguelen (60e mission).
'Close-up view of Cabane de Sourcils-Noirs in the Black-Browed Albatross Canyon, Kerguelen' (27 December 2011) and 'Cabane Phonolite on the Presqu'île Ronarc'h, Kerguelen' (7 January 2012), photographer: Mickaël Pacaud, from Mon expérience aux îles Kerguelen, a blog by Mickaël Pacaud, military telecom technician (BCR), mission 62 at Kerguelen.
'Cabane de la Vallée des Sables on the Péninsule Rallier du Baty' and 'Barney Rubble's cellphone on Kerguelen. Drat, no signal!', photographer: Hughes Fertin (2012), from Hughes en terre australe, a blog by Hughes Fertin.
'L'Aventure II barge drops off hikers. Sheep herding, shearing, and slaughter on Île Longue' and 'A beach like no other – the wildlife and cabin at Cap Ratmanoff, Kerguelen' and 'Expeditions around Val Travers on Kerguelen', videos produced by Aurélie Heurtebize (nurse) and Arnauld Hibon (electrician), Mission 58 at Kerguelen, October 2008.
'The National Nature Reserve of the French Southern Lands', video directed by Jacques Ledoux, Imago Productions/APR Audiovisuel (Saint-Denis, La Réunion); co-produced by Jean-Michel Bou de la Meschaussée, E-MAX Productions (La Réunion) and Charles Véron, Aligal Production (Rennes, Brittany) & France Télévisions.
'Terra Incognita – Terre des Scientifiques' (27:00, 1964), video directed by Gilbert Dassonville; scientific direction by René Bost (Chef du Bureau Scientifique) of TAAF in collaboration with Docteur Bajart; presented by Le Service du Film de Recherche Scientifique (SFRS) and Les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF); produced and archived by CERIMES (Centre de Ressources et d'Information sur les Multimédias pour l'Enseignement Supérieur).
Some PDF maps of islands in the TAAF were created from Admiralty and other charts by Jean-Pierre Langer of Monaco, and have been edited (more locations labeled) by Ian C. Mills of Discover France!. – All Rights Reserved.