Quick Restaurant Wi-Fi Hotspots in Paris
Restaurant Overview
Quick is a Belgian chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, similar in theme to McDonald's. It is Europe's third largest hamburger chain, and the only European fast food brand to operate on such an international scale. In recent years, its worldwide expansion has been accelerating.
In 2007 it was "nationalised" by the French government through its investment holding company CDC Capital Investissement.
The chain was first established in 1971 in Schoten, Belgium, and as of July 2011 was operating 483 restaurants in Belgium, France, Algeria, Andorra, Armenia, Egypt, Luxembourg, Morocco, Russia, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates. 80% of the restaurants are operated as franchises.
The first French Quick opened in Aix-en-Provence on 19 July 1980. Beginning on 3 March 2007, Quick also had restaurants in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The first two Russian Quick restaurants opened in Moscow and Tula on 21 March 2008. Quick arrived on the Pacific island of New Caledonia in November 2008, and Fort-de-France on Martinique (French Antilles) in June 2010. [read more...]
Editing and portions written by Ian C. Mills, DiscoverFrance.net. Editorial content, listings, and lay-out are © 2010-2025 Discover France. (Image credits are listed in the Bibliography.) All Rights Reserved.
Company information
Corporate headquarters in France:
France Quick S.A.S.
Parc des Portes de Paris, Bâtiment 123
50, avenue du Président Wilson, 93210 Saint-Denis
Phone: 01 49 51 64 64 ; Fax: 01 49 51 64 65
Jacques-Édouard Charret, President
Luc Thibaud, V.P. Operations, France
Anne Gleizes, Marketing Director
Web site: http://www.quick.fr/
Press kit (5.75MB PDF)
Business registration: RCS Bobigny B 950 026 914
SIRET 95002691400016
Founded: 28 September 1979
Wi-Fi Provider
Anacapa Holdings Ltd. dba free-hotspot.com
European headquarters: Merchants House, 2nd Floor
27-30 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 612 1415 ; Fax: +353 1 684 0125
Joseph A. Brunoli, Managing Director
Web: http://www.free-hotspot.com
List of Locations in Paris (in order by arrondissement)
If you find an error in our listings, or a location which is no longer in operation, we would greatly appreciate if you could report it here. Suggestions for new listings are also welcome. Thank you!
Quick Forum des Halles
Address: 1, rue Pierre Lescot, 75001 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 40 39 92 67
Métro: Châtelet - Les Halles (RER-A, B, D)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Interior view of a free-standing Quick Restaurant. (click on image to see larger version)
Quick Lescot
Address: 2, rue Pierre Lescot, 75001 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 36 53 31 ; 01 40 13 01 42
Métro: Châtelet - Les Halles (RER-A, B, D)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Petit Carreaux
Address: 14, rue des Petits Carreaux, 75002 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 40 13 91 99
Métro: Sentier (line 3)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick République
Address: 23, place de la République, 75003 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 71 66 36
Métro: République (lines 3, 5, 8, 9, 11)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Address: 66, rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 48 87 78 43
Métro: Hôtel de Ville (lines 1, 11)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Saint-Michel
Address: 35, boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 43 26 59 83
Métro: Cluny - La Sorbonne (line 10)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Soufflot
Address: 63, boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 43 26 37 72
Métro: Luxembourg (RER-B)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
France Quick
Address: 2, impasse d'Amsterdam, 75008 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 45 26 32 47
Métro: Liège (line 13)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Champs-Élysées
Address: 62, avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 45 63 06 06
Métro: Franklin D. Roosevelt (lines 1, 9)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Exterior view of the eco-friendly Quick Restaurant in Dammarie-lès-Lys. Note the planted roof. (click on image to see larger version)
Quick Champs-Élysées 2
Address: 122, avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 53 75 38 49
Métro: George V (line 1)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Saint-Lazare
Address: 2, rue d'Amsterdam, 75009 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 80 08 04
Métro: Saint-Lazare (lines 3, 12, 13, 14)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Opéra
Address: 36, boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 46 52 03
Métro: Opéra (lines 3, 7, 8)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Montmartre
Address: 6, rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 47 70 87 86
Métro: Grands Boulevards (lines 8, 9)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Belleville
Address: 13, rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75010 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 01 62 62
Métro: République (lines 3, 5, 8, 9, 11)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Gare de l'Est Paris (at Saint Vincent de Paul)
Address: 93, boulevard de Strasbourg, 75010 Paris (map)
Métro: Gare de l'Est; Château-Landon
Phone : 01 40 36 82 92
Métro: Gare de l'Est (lines 4, 5, 7)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Gare du Nord
Address: 25, rue de Dunkerque, 75010 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 85 05 88
Métro: Gare du Nord (lines 4, 5; RER-B, D)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Paris Bastille
Address: 20, rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 58 30 90 33
Métro: Bréguet - Sabin (line 5)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Porte Dorée
Address: 279, avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 44 68 95 40
Métro: Porte Dorée (line 8)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Nation
Address: 6, avenue du Trône, 75012 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 40 02 06 43
Métro: Nation (lines 1, 2, 6, 9; RER-A)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Tolbiac
Address: 76, avenue d'Italie, 75013 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 53 80 36 83
Métro: Tolbiac (line 7)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Grande Bibliothèque
Address: 1, rue George Balanchine, 75013 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 45 84 47 74
Métro: Quai de la Gare (line 6)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Gare Montparnasse
Address: 11, boulevard de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 43 21 75 85
Métro: Montparnasse - Bienvenüe (lines 4, 6, 12, 13)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Chabert
Address: 11, avenue de Clichy, 75017 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 45 22 49 77
Métro: Place de Clichy (lines 2, 13)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick 17ème Arrondissement Paris
Address: 187, avenue de Clichy, 75017 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 42 29 24 02
Métro: Porte de Clichy (line 13; RER-C)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Hamburger Restaurant
Address: 16, rue de Tilsitt, 75017 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 43 80 63 89
Métro: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile (lines 1, 2, 6; RER-A)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Barbès
Address: Next to Tati - 3, boulevard Barbès, 75018 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 48 64 54 39
Métro: Barbès - Rochechouart (lines 2, 4)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick Blanche
Address: 82, boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 46 06 95 30
Métro: Blanche (line 2)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Quick La Villette
Address: 26, avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris (map)
Phone: 01 40 36 33 96
Métro: Porte de la Villette (line 7)
Wi-Fi access: free with purchase; 30-minute renewable sessions (network: Free-Hotspot)
Related Videos
Quick Restaurant TV Commercials
In total, there are 40 products on Quick's menu. As of July 2011, the sandwich lineup included:
- the Cheeseburger
- the Suprême Cheese
- the Quick'n Toast
- the Giant
- the Long Chicken
- the Long Chicken Barbecue Bacon
- the Long Bacon
- the Long Fish
Beverages offered:
Coca Cola (3 sizes), beer (by the can), Minute Maid orange or apple juice, Nestea iced tea, and San Pellegrino sparkling mineral water.
The Giant (which, despite its name, is similar in size to the other burgers) is the most popular choice, constituting about 50% of Quick's burger orders.
Quick does not salt its Belgian fries behind the counter, leaving it up to the diners to salt the fries themselves. The fry containers bear the phrases "Meer of minder gezouten, aan u de keuze" in Dutch, or "Plus ou moins salés: à vous de décider" in French, both meaning "More or less salted: you decide."
A vegetarian burger was available for a limited time in the 1990s but was discontinued due to low demand in the Belgian and French markets. Quick did offer a grilled cheese sandwich as a meatless option.
In February 2010, Quick announced that eight of its French franchises would offer halal menus to cater to the Muslim population1, a number that increased to 22 in August 2010, and only halal menus are being served since then.2 The move has caused controversy from politicians across various parties, including Roubaix's socialist mayor, Marine Le Pen of the National Front and the UMP, France's ruling political party.3
In 2011, Quick unveiled Le Double Mix, a two-in-one sandwich featuring a unique bun done two different ways on each half, with each side having its own dressings. Available in hamburger or chicken varieties, Le Double Mix was sold as a limited-run sandwich through April 18, 2011.4
On January 22, 2011, 14-year-old Benjamin Orset died after eating two contaminated hamburgers at a Quick Restaurant in Avignon, France. An autopsy report concluded that Benjamin died from food poisoning. Traces of staphylococci were detected in the boy's body, as well as in five of the eight employees. Quick's managing director, Jacques-Édouard Charret, has refused to accept responsibility for the death of the boy.5
1. ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7245050/French-fast-food-chain-makes-menus-halal.html
2. ^ A Report from CBN Channel.
3. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20100224/wl_time/08599196729900
4. ^ Zagat Buzz Blog: Buffy Fans Freaking Out About Le Double Mix, March 2, 2011
5. ^ http://www.usnewssource.com/headlines/14-year-old-french-boy-dies-after-eating-hamburgers-at-fast-food-restaurant_262826.html
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Quick
• Quick Restaurants
• Quick Belgium (French) (Dutch) (English)
• Quick France (French)
• Quick Luxembourg (French)