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For the sake of space and page download times, Ile-de-France theatres have been broken down by those facilities within Paris (75) only 10 alphabetical pages (starting with theatres whose names are numeric, such as "Théâtre 13") and those which are outside Paris 2 alphabetical pages. Although the ViaFrance live listings on this page comprise a selection from all Paris theatres and arrondissements, the links underneath these listings reflect the alphabetized venues accurately.
Note: While we make every effort to keep the theatre links up-to-date, French institutional webmasters are notorious for changing document names and moving or deleting files which results in dead links, "404" errors and "page not found" warnings. Until they learn that the "World Wide Web" means thousands of other webmasters may be pointing to their content, dead links to French web sites will unfortunately persist. C'est la vie!
Theatre, Dance, & Circus Events
Theatre Links - Ile-de-France (A-L) |
Théâtre 71, Scène Nationale de Malakoff
3, place du 11 Novembre, 92240 Malakoff (Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: Malakoff-Plateau de Vanves ; Auto: Périphérique, exit Porte de Vanves or Porte Brancion, then direction of Centre-Ville or Théâtre 71 (parking on rue Gabriel Crié) ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatre71@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre 95
Allée du théâtre, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise (Département du Val-d'Oise, Ile-de-France) ; Mailing address: BP 98 95021 Cergy-Pontoise cedex ; Phone: reservations ; E-Mail: theatre95@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre de l'Agora
Place de l'Agora - BP 46, 91002 Evry Cedex (Département de l'Essonne, Ile-de-France) ; RER D: Station Evry-Courcouronnes ; Bus: réseau TICE Ð Station Agora ; Auto: route A6 (direction Lyon), exit Evry-Centre ; Phone: (Visitor note: view alternate web site here.) |
Théâtre Alexandre Dumas
Jardin des Arts - Place André Malraux, BP 8308, 78108 Saint-Germain-en-Laye cedex (Département des Yvelines, Ile-de-France) ; Phone: admin., box office/reservations ; E-mail: theatre@mairie-st-germain-en-laye.fr |
La Barbacane - (web site N/A)
Artistic Director: Jean Feugère
Place du 8 mai 1945, 78650 Beynes (Département des Yvelines, Ile-de-France) ; Phone: admin., box office/reservations ; E-mail: la-barbacane@voila.fr |
CAC Georges Brassens
18, rue de Gassicourt, 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie (Département des Yvelines, Ile-de-France) ; Phone: ; E-mail: cacgb@club-internet.fr |
Centre Culturel Jean Arp
22, rue Paul Vaillant-Couturier, 92140 Clamart (Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: Mairie d'Issy, then take Bus 190, get off at Trosy (in service until midnight); or Métro Corentin Celton (or Gare SNCF de Clamart), then take Bus 189, get off at Centre Culturel Jean Arp (when returning get off at Marché de Clamart) ; Auto: take the Périphérique, exit at Porte de Châtillon then take Départementale 306, following the signage to Clamart and the Centre Culturel Jean Arp ; Phone: |
Centre Culturel Jean Vilar
44, allée des Epines, 78160 Marly-le-Roi (Département des Yvelines, Ile-de-France) ; Train: Marly-le-Roi is 25 minutes from La Gare Saint-Lazare (direction Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche) ; Auto: Autoroute de Rouen (A13), exit at Marly-le-Roi ; Phone: ; E-mail: c.c.jean.vilar@wanadoo.fr |
Centre Dramatique National de Montreuil
26, place Jean Jaurès, 93100 Montreuil (Département de Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: Mairie de Montreuil ; Phone: ; E-mail: cdnm@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre à Châtillon
Chapelle des Sarments - 15, rue de la Gare, 92320 Châtillon (Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France) ; Métro, line 13 to Châtillon-Montrouge, then take Bus 388 to Mairie (or 195 or 295 to J-P Timbaud, or 194 to Etienne d'Orves) ; Auto: from Porte de Châtillon, head toward Châtillon, then "Châtillon centre" ; Phone: ; E-mail: theatre.chatillon@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre de la Commune
2, rue Edouard Poisson BP 157, 93304 Aubervilliers (Département de Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: dir. La Courneuve, station Aubervilliers Pantin 4 Chemins, then either take bus 150 or 170, or walk 10 minutes ; Bus: 150 or 170 (to André Karman), or 65 (to Villebois-Mareuil) ; Auto: via Porte d'Aubervilliers or de La Villette, toward Aubervilliers Centre (free parking) ; Phone: reservations (tickets also available at Virgin, Galeries Lafayette, BHV, Inno, Auchan, and the Saint Denis Tourism Office) ; Phone:, ; E-mail: theatre.commune@wanadoo.fr |
Espace Aleph
30, rue Christophe Colomb, 94200 Ivry sur Seine (Département du Val-de-Marne, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: line 7 - Pierre Curie ; Phone: admin. , box office/reservations ; E-mail: Taleph@club-internet.fr |
Espace Culturel Malraux
2, place Victor Hugo, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (Département du Val-de-Marne, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: line 7 to Kremlin-Bicêtre, exit avenue de Fontainebleau, follow signage (the theatre is 100 meters from the station) ; Auto: from La Porte d'Italie, take RN7 toward Villejuif, just past the métro station turn right (avenue Eugène Thomas), then left at the first light (rue Jean Monnet), free parking at Centre Commercial Leclerc ; Bus: 47-131-185 ; Phone: |
Firmin Gémier
Place Firmin Gémier, 92160 Antony (Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France) ; RER: line B - station Antony (10 min. from Denfert-Rochereau), the theatre is 3 min. on foot from La Gare RER (follow signage) ; Bus: 196-197-198-286-297-395-396 ; Auto: 15 min. from La Porte d'Orléans via N20, after La Croix de Berny, follow signage for Antony Centre and "Théâtre Firmin Gémier" ; Phone: |
Théâtre de Gennevilliers
41, avenue des Grésillons, 92230 Gennevilliers (Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: line 13, Gabriel-Péri (direction Asnières-Gennevilliers), exit rue Louise ; Auto: Porte de Clichy (direction Clichy-centre), immediate right after the Pont de Clichy (direction Asnières-centre), first right (direction place Voltaire), again next right, avenue des Grésillons ; coming from the A86 highway, exit for Paris/Porte Pouchet, right at first light, avenue des Grésillons ; Phone: admin., box office/reservations ; E-mail: ville.de.gennevilliers@wanadoo.fr |
Théâtre Gérard Philipe
59, boulevard Jules Guesde, 93207 Saint-Denis (Département de Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France) ; RER: line D, station Saint-Denis ; Métro: line 13, Saint-Denis Basilique ; Tramway: Bobigny - Gare de Saint-Denis ; Bus: lines 255-256-168 ; Auto: via Porte de la Chapelle, Autoroute A1, exit #2 (Saint-Denis centre) ; Phone: ; E-mail: info@theatregerardphilipe.com |
Théâtre d'Ivry Antoine Vitez
1, rue Simon Dereure, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine (Département du Val-de-Marne, Ile-de-France) ; Métro: Mairie d'Ivry ; Phone: |
Théâtre de la Jacquerie
Artistic Director: Alain Mollot
159, avenue de Paris, 94800 Villejuif (Département du Val-de-Marne, Ile-de-France) ; Phone: ; E-mail: info@theatre-jacquerie.com |
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