The French painter Camille Pissarro
{pee-sah-roh'}, b. July 10, 1830, d. Nov. 13, 1903, was one of the founders of
impressionism. When he went (1855) to Paris to study painting, he was first attracted
to the art of the Barbizon school and to the poetic realism of Camille Corot. Later,
Pissarro discarded Corot's dark colors in favor of a more atmospheric treatment of
"Apple Harvest at Eragny"
by Camille Pissarro
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts
With Edouard Manet and other avant-garde painters,
Pissarro exhibited at the Salon des Refuses (1863), and his link with such impressionists
as Claude Monet and
Auguste Renoir grew closer in the 1860s.
After encountering the work of the
English painters J. M. W. Turner and John Constable while in London (1870-71),
Pissarro lightened his palette and formulated a technique of applying strokes of
bright color to the canvas to create luminous effects. These experiments did not meet
with public or official approval, and Pissarro helped organize the first independent
impressionist show of 1874. Pissarro never abandoned an underlying sense of solid form
and contour. In such works as Peasant Woman with a Wheelbarrow (1874;
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm), freely applied touches of broken color and the play of
light transform ordinary settings with an atmosphere that softens and brightens forms
without dissolving them.
Pissarro had great influence on the
impressionists and their followers, including the neoimpressionist Georges Seurat,
whose pointillist technique the older painter emulated after 1886. In his later years
Pissarro returned to an impressionistic rendering of landscapes and urban scenes, as
in Boulevard Montmartre in Paris (1897; The Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg).
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