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The Feast Legacy of Vaux-le-Vicomte Fountain Display Practical Information Bibliography Links Fountain Display
Between April and October, on the second and last Saturday of every month from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., visitors can marvel at a glorious display of Vaux-le-Vicomte's many fountains. The water supply for the pools is drawn, as it was during the 17th century, from an underground reservoir behind the Bassin de la Gerbe, which is filled by three aqueducts several kilometers in length; thus the frequency of the display depends on local weather conditions. Practical InformationAddress: 77950 Maincy - France Phone: +33 (0) ; Fax: +33 (0) Distance from Paris: 55 km by car. Train travel (+ taxi): 30 minutes by train from Paris (Gare de Lyon), by RER D from Paris (Châtelet) to Melun; from Melun to Vaux-le-Vicomte: 6km by taxi. Airports: Roissy Charles de Gaulle: 60 minutes (34 miles or 55km); Orly: 40 minutes (25 miles or 40 km). Advisory: pets are not allowed in the estate of Vaux le Vicomte.
Edited by Ian C. Mills. Sources: Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, ©2000 Grolier Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte web site. Nicolas Fouquet, Surintendant de Finances web site. Bibliography: François Gebelin, The Châteaux of France, trans. by H. Eaton Hart (1964); Jean-Marie Perous de Montclos, Vaux-le-Vicomte (1997). Franklin Hamilton Hazlehurst, Gardens of Illusion: The Genius of André Le Nostre; Christiane de Nicolay-Mazery, The French Château: Life, Style, Tradition (2001); Kenneth Woodbridge, Princely Gardens: The Origins and Development of the French Formal Style; William Howard Adams, The French Garden 1500-1800 (1979); Richard Bonney, Society and Government in France under Richelieu and Mazarin (1988); Philip Boucher, Shaping the French Colonial Empire (1985). Ines Murat, Colbert, trans. by Robert Cook and Jeannie Van Asselt (1984). Oliver Bernier, Louis XIV: A Royal Life (1987); Peter Burke, The Fabrication of Louis XIV (1992); Pierre Goubert, Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen, trans. by Anne Carter (1970); Ragnhild Hatton, Louis XIV and His World (1972); W. H. Lewis, The Splendid Century: Life In the France of Louis XIV (1954; repr. 1971); David Ogg, Louis Fourteenth, 2d ed. (1967); John Rule, ed., Louis XIV and the Craft of Kingship (1969); Paul Sonnino, ed., The Reign of Louis XIV (1990); John B. Wolf, Louis XIV (1968). Images: Aerial view of Château and grounds, nighttime view of Château lit by candles, from Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte web site. Portrait of Nicolas Fouquet from Nicole Kipar's Nicolas Fouquet, Surintendant de Finances web site. Portrait of Jean Baptiste Colbert from Giraudon/Art Resource, New York. Portrait of young Louis XIV from Elena Steingrad's Louis XIV web site. Cover of DVD movie "Vatel" from Amazon.com. Banquet scene from the film "Vatel" from Gaumont and Miramax Films. All Rights Reserved. Copyrights remain exclusively with the copyright holders. The Feast Legacy of Vaux-le-Vicomte Fountain Display Practical Information Bibliography Links